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From Concept To Capacity

Spearheading Utility Scale Energy Storage Solutions

Our experts have performed full cycle development—from working on the ground siting and permitting efforts to executive roles at leading IPPs like AES, NRG and Ormat. We have developed 1GW+ of projects that are either operating or in late stage development.

Full-Cycle Development

We have 10+ years experience performing and managing greenfield and brownfield development in CAISO, NYISO, ERCOT, SPP, PJM, MISO and elsewhere.

Each player in the industry has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses that result varying market fit across state and ISO’s. We can work with you to help identify which opportunities are addressable to your company.

Our team consists of GIS experts having studied the use of geographic information systems to site energy infrastructure extensively at Yale School of the Environment. We have also deployed these skills in the field identifying and securing GW’s of top siting opportunities for IPP’s.

In todays environment interconnection capacity is critical. Having brought scores upon scores of projects to ISO’s and distribution utilities alike, our team is exceptionally experienced at identifying sites with clean interconnection potential.

Some land deals just don’t happen with traditional brokers and traditional terms. Especially energy storage land deals—where developers often face competition from multiple other use cases.